Insurance Betting: Learn how risk-free betting works

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There are some tips and tricks for those who want to dive into the world of sports betting. One of them is insurance rates, also known as risk-free rates. We will talk about this in this article. Every professional bookie knows that there is an error in his bets. After all, it's impossible to win them all. It is for this reason that they can help you minimize your losses.

Here, in addition to listing all the odds available on the Brazilian Games website, I will also discuss how insurance bets work. You will see how easy it is to bet without risk!

What are insurance rates?

Insurance (or risk-free) bets, offered in the form of periodic bonuses or exclusive promotions, are available at several bookmakers. They serve as a net to help reduce the margin of loss in certain games or matches. They work as follows: In the event of a win, the bet is paid as usual. However, if you make a wrong guess, you can get back part of the invested amount or even the entire amount. Depending on the bookmaker, this return may be in the form of money, other free bets or bonuses. And the best part is that most of the time it doesn't involve tipping over. Find out which are the most popular sports for betting in Germany in this source - https://embedds.com/the-most-popular-sports-for-betting-in-germany/

Regulation of risk-free rates

Obviously, the bookmakers want to make a profit. Therefore, there are certain rules that are mandatory for anyone who wants to use this type of betting. Usually they are:

Minimum cost

As a rule, certain coefficients and minimum amounts are required to activate the money guarantee promotion. There may still be a maximum limit, so always pay attention to the established rules.

Limits on the type of bets

Insurance bets may be limited to pre-game or specific sports. Also, insurance usually only covers the more popular markets (eg 1x2).

Rollover requirement

If you pay for insurance through free bets or bonus balances, you must meet the betting requirements. Thus, only after a certain amount of money bets, the balance of the promotion can be converted into a money balance and then withdrawn.

Types of risk-free bets

Each bookmaker can determine its own rules when offering insurance rates. That's why it's so important to read the Terms and Conditions before choosing. But to make it easier, we've broken down the most common types of risk-free bets here:

Overtime voids the bet

In this case, the player gets his money back if there is an extension. But it is important to emphasize that there are cases when the insurance takes into account only the extension itself. So if your team wins and plays in stoppage time, you will get your money back. We recommend it for playoff championships. Check also: How to win in online and real casinos

There is no draw bet

The bet will be valid only if there is a winner in the game. In case of a draw, the bet is canceled and the money is returned to the participant.

Special championships and special games

Special championships and special games Competitions between two of the best and most popular teams often include insurance betting promotions. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to quotes within a limited time. The bookmaker usually runs these promotions a few days before the game. There are usually insurance bets on the Brazilian Cup, the Champions League, the Copa Libertadores and the championships in which the Brazilian national team participates.

Insurance 0-0

This type of insurance rate is very similar to the other one we mentioned above. However, a draw depends on a lack of goals. Thus, 0-0 results in the bet being returned to the player.

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